Welcome to The Ressies Podcast. This week the boys were joined by Demons cult figure Koltyn Tholstrup. When Will can stop obsessing over Koltyn's mullet, he talked about life transitioning from country WA to living in Melbourne. AFL1170 asks listeners who they would bring out of retirement for their footy club. Also, Caden MacDonald joins the pod to take on Koltyn in a game of "Guess Who". Be sure to give this one a listen xo
We’re created not to impress, but to lift up our fellow comrades who peaked in under 12’s (and have yet to repair their knees).
The Ressies: https://www.instagram.com/ressiespodcast/
Will Taylor: https://www.instagram.com/willl.taylor_/
Marmalade: https://www.instagram.com/marmalade_aus/
Srey: https://www.instagram.com/sreytorade/
Checkers: https://www.instagram.com/djcheckers/
Producey: https://producey.com/