Welcome to The Ressies Podcast. This episode the boys discuss all topics around "The Biggest Game of Ressies V2". Draftees Caden MacDonald and Bailey McCabe join the boys to talk about post draft predictions, match ups and who they can't wait to play with. Consider this your bible to this Friday night's game. Enjoy xo
We’re created not to impress, but to lift up our fellow comrades who peaked in under 12’s (and have yet to repair their knees).
The Ressies: https://www.instagram.com/ressiespodcast/
Will Taylor: https://www.instagram.com/willl.taylor_/
Marmalade: https://www.instagram.com/marmalade_aus/
Srey: https://www.instagram.com/sreytorade/
Checkers: https://www.instagram.com/djcheckers/
Producey: https://producey.com/