In this episode of Prophetic Voices, we’ll be discussing the lectionary for Christmas Day. The texts covered in this episode are Genesis 1, Hebrews 1:1-12, Luke 2:1-20, and John 1:1-14. Our amazing guests this week are:
The thoughtful Gwen Carpenter from North Vancouver, British Columbia. She is a parishioner and Stephen Ministry Leader at West Vancouver United Church. She likes people a lot and is passionate about sharing God's unconditional love by showing care through listening.
The Rev. Michele Morgan from Calgary, Alberta, rector of St. Mark’s, Capitol Hill, D.C. They like cross-stitching and are passionate about bike commuting, gun violence prevention, and Wynnona Earp, a cult television show. She and her wife are currently looking for a dog to adopt.
The exceptional Miriam McKenney from Cincinnati, Ohio, missioner for Beloved Community in the Diocese of Southern Ohio. She is the mother to three adult children, married to her husband David, and is passionate about picture books as well as being outdoors all year round.
Prophetic Voices is hosted by the Rev. Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg, The Episcopal Church’s staff officer for Racial Reconciliation. For more information on Becoming Beloved Community, visit