Feb 06 2025 66 mins 2
In this episode of Prophetic Voices, we’ll be discussing the Ash Wednesday lectionary. The texts covered are Isaiah 58:1-12 and Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21. Our lovely guests this week are:
The Rev. Jean Mornard, rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Huron, S.D., where she has been since 2012. Before being called to the priesthood, she was a professional opera singer for over 20 years, and dabbled in stage management and theater directing. She and her husband, Michael, live in a modest but well-loved house with their five cats, the Khaos Kitties™. They had meant to get two cats and a dog, but the Cat Distribution System found them first.
The Rev. Meg or Mo Trimm (They/She/He/Xe [zee]), a 2024 graduate of Bexley Seabury Seminary and a newly ordained priest. Mo is a missioner with the Diocese of Northern Michigan. They love art, storytelling, and backyard ecology. You can easily catch their attention with dad jokes or fun facts about plants and bugs.
The Rev. Dr. Erin Kirby, the mom of an amazing adult daughter and the rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Marion, N.C. She is a member of the Diocese of Western North Carolina's Beloved Community and Racial Reconciliation team. Having grown up in the mountains of Western North Carolina, she moved back “as close to the land of [her] heart as [she] could get” during COVID. In her free time, she and her dog Buttercup enjoy a good long hike or just a day splashing around a mountain stream.
Mentioned in This Episode
With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial, by Kathryn Mannix
Prophetic Voices is hosted by the Rev. Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg, The Episcopal Church’s staff officer for Racial Reconciliation. For more information on Becoming Beloved Community, visit iam.ec/becomingbelovedcommunity.