Feb 05 2025 55 mins 1
When the world gets chaotic and uncertain, we need spiritual practice more than ever—not just to sustain our souls and restore our inner peace, but to recharge and prepare ourselves to take on challenges with effective action. A few years ago, Philip Goldberg, the author of “Spiritual
Practice in Crazy Times” and host of the Spirit Matters podcast. interviewed twelve spiritual leaders to help us get through the pandemic. We’re now re-releasing the interviews as an encore series, because the messages are as relevant today as when they first aired.
Father Adam Bucko is an Episcopal priest, an interfaith activist, and a leading voice in
the renewal of contemplative spirituality. Born and raised in Poland under a totalitarian regime, his early exposure to spiritual activism greatly influenced his life trajectory. He is actively involved in social and ecological justice efforts and is leading voice in the movement for engaged spirituality. He is the author of Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision
for a New Generation; The New Monasticism: An Interspiritual Manifesto for
Contemplative Living, and his newest book, Let Your Heartbreak be Your Guide:
Lessons in Engaged Contemplation. and programs that combine contemplative practice with
activism. Adam is currently the director of the Center for Spiritual Imagination, which is located at the Episcopal Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, New York. He lives in New York
with his wife, Kaira Jewel Lingo, a Buddhist teacher and former nun in the community of Thich Nhat Hanh. Together they lead The Buddhist-Christian Community for Meditation and Action. Learn more about Adam here.
Get the book- Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times by Philip Goldberg
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