Mar 05 2025 58 mins
When the world gets chaotic and uncertain, we need spiritual practice more than ever—not just to sustain our souls and restore our inner peace, but to recharge and prepare ourselves to take on challenges with effective action. A few years ago, Philip Goldberg, the author of “Spiritual
Practice in Crazy Times” and host of the Spirit Matters podcast. interviewed twelve spiritual leaders to help us get through the pandemic. We’re now re-releasing the interviews as an encore series, because the messages are as relevant today as when they first aired.
Mirabai Starr is a celebrated author and expert on mysticism who teaches and speaks in various venues on contemplative practice and inter-spiritual dialog. Her earlier books taught readers about Christian mystics such as John of the Cross, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of
Avila. Her more recent books include Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss and Transformation, and her latest, Ordinary Mysticism: Your Life as Sacred Ground. In this conversation, she shares the blessings of the Sabbath, the deep meaning of the dark night of the soul, the wisdom of the divine feminine and turning loss into transformation.
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