This is the Way Things are Right Now

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Jun 02 2023 26 mins   1

This is the last episode of season 2. In this episode, I dive into the question, why do I write this podcast? What does reflection of this kind mean to me and others? And when the magic seems dimmed, how can we get it back? I talk to Laura Davis, author, writing teacher and retreat leader about the act of writing and its healing potential especially when it’s shared with others. Greg and I reflect on the podcast season and our farm life. And you won’t want to miss this—while at the beach where something very, very special happens. I’ll take stock of where things are right now on the farm, and show you how writing really does lead to magic. So if you are feeling like you can’t see the forest through the trees, like you need to have some time to breath, this episode is for you.

If you’d like to attend the same retreat I attended, Writing as a Pathway, with writer and author Laura Davis, the next one is coming up later this summer at a beautiful retreat center in northern California. I highly recommend Laura’s retreat as a safe, supportive place for dealing with grief, change or life transitions of any kind:

For more on Laura, visit her website here:

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