Jan 17 2024 31 mins
Since its adoption in 2005, no other piece of policy has changed the corn industry more than the Renewable Fuel Standard. Ethanol has become one of the most important markets for corn in that time.
But over the last couple of years, there are new developments that could be major boon for this crucial sector.
So in this episode, we're going to talk with a few ethanol experts to get their perspectives on how that market has developed, where it's at today, and where they’re hoping it will go in the future.
Joining us are agricultural economist Scott Irwin from the University of Illinois; Julie Busse, a member of the National Corn Growers Association ethanol team; and Bradley Schad, the CEO of the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council and Missouri Corn Growers Association.
They’ll provide some important context about ethanol’s history as a fuel, and also tell us how you can get involved with critical efforts to secure its future.
Visit NCGA.com/Octane to get involved yourself.
And you can learn more about Scott Irwin’s new book, “Back to the Futures: Crashing Dirt Bikes, Chasing Cows, and Unraveling the Mystery of Commodity Futures Markets,” by visiting this link: