Dec 04 2018 22 mins 1k
When Olivier the elf shows up at her door in crisis, Hot Coco heads to the North Pole -- where she comes face-to-face with Santa Claus for the first time in many years, leading to an explosive confrontation.
Cast List:
Hot Coco - Michelle Visage
Ari Aka Santa - Lewis Black
Carol Claus - Kristin Chenoweth
Attorney Sal Vation - Cecil Baldwin
Judge Green - RuPaul
Olivier de Elf - Ross Matthews
Nancy Grace - Nancy Grace
Written by Michael Ross and Alex Aldea
Directed by Alex Aldea and Michael Ross
Edited by Alex Aldea
Score composed by Andrew Joslyn and Alex Aldea
Santa Lost a Good Thing was written by Alex Aldea and features Camila Recchio
Foley and Sound Design: Alex Aldea and Victor Figueroa