Nov 05 2024 70 mins
In this episode Dawn welcomes Lorna Gale, a sex and spirit alchemist, to explore the complexities of sexuality, intimacy, and personal empowerment. Lorna shares her journey of awakening to her sexuality after years of disconnection, emphasizing the importance of consent and the need for open conversations about sex. They both delve into the societal conditioning that shapes our understanding of gender roles, the impact of trauma on sexual expression, and the necessity of reconnecting with our bodies and emotions.
Many individuals grow up with limited or inadequate sexual education, leading to feelings of shame and disconnection from their own bodies and sexuality.
Consent is a foundational aspect of healthy relationships and sexual experiences. It is crucial to establish a sense of consent that empowers individuals to express their needs and desires without feeling obligated to please others at the expense of their own comfort.
Individuals can experience a sexual awakening at any stage in life, which can lead to a deeper understanding of their bodies and desires.
Both men and women possess masculine and feminine energies that can be integrated for healthier relationships.
Many people carry trauma related to their sexuality, which can manifest in various ways, including feelings of shame and disconnection. Addressing and healing from these traumas is essential for individuals to reconnect with their true selves and experience intimacy in a fulfilling way.
"It's not about giving women power, it's about recognizing the power that's all"
"There's yang masculine and yang yin masculine. that yang masculine, or the yin feminine, is that flow, that nurturing, that creativity."
"I feel like because we are conditioned to just live up in our head, so we have this disconnection from our body, we have this disconnection from our emotions"
Dawn Rishárd, M.A. with 20 years as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Systems, I empower people to release the past, open their hearts, and receive the love they desire. I have a soft spot to help women struggling in their marriages as I did. As an Intuitive Healer, I help unlock Self Love, Clarity, and Connection, despite the challenges. I am an expert at restoring people's intimacy in life and love.