Mar 20 2024 41 mins
In this conversation, Amanda Bucci discusses the journey of building an authentic online presence and overcoming the fear and self-doubt that can arise. She shares her personal experiences with cancellation and the importance of developing a strong sense of self and grounding oneself in the face of negativity. Amanda also explores the process of uncoupling from validation and attachment to numbers, emphasizing the need to focus on one's own authenticity and growth. Overall, the conversation highlights the challenges and rewards of navigating the online space with courage and resilience. The conversation explores the importance of creating valuable content, being authentic and creative on social media, avoiding formulaic approaches, sharing personal journeys, embracing the aliveness of social media, and stepping into authenticity and courage.
00:00 Introduction and Who is Amanda?
03:00 Authentic Online Presence
06:00 Navigating Personal and Brand Journeys
09:00 Building Courage to Be Authentic Online
15:00 Dealing with Cancellation and Negativity
23:00 Finding Blessings in Difficult Experiences
26:00 Uncoupling from Validation and Attachment to Numbers
30:00 Grounding and Setting Energetic Boundaries
34:00 Transcending Attachment to Numbers
36:13 Creating Valuable Content
36:57 Authenticity and Creativity on Social Media
37:55 Losing Yourself in Formulaic Approaches
38:48 Sharing Your Journey
39:25 The Aliveness of Social Media
40:06 Stepping into Authenticity and Courage
40:50 Connect with Amanda Bucci
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