Feb 10 2025 26 mins
We must understand the complexity of what is happening in Israel, and pray for God’s wisdom, both for TRUMP & Netanyahu. It is GOD who brought the Jews back to their ancient homeland, to SHOW THE WORLD that He is GOD, and that He keeps His promises.
We know that some day Israel will stand alone, and ONLY THE ANTICHRIST will stand beside her, and usher in a FALSE PEACE. But for NOW, we pray for America to SUPPORT Israel and help them finish the job to secure against GAZA, and against those who hate her in her own land of Judea, Samaria, Jenin, and other territories.
The enemy has been emboldened by the cease fire compromise, as Israel releases DOZENS of terrorists with bloody hands for each innocent hostage. The people of Gaza STILL SUPPORT HAMAS, as the hordes of vile Gazans surrounded hostages being released and chanted and threatened them. Hamas’s recruiting numbers are skyrocketing because of the hundreds of aid trucks Israel is forced to permit, giving that decimated terrorist organization new life by controlling the aid and using it to pay new recruits as the only form of employment left.
Last week we looked at NUMEROUS verses throughout the Bible that reveal God STILL has a plan for the NATION of Israel, and that plan includes the Jewish people RETURNING to their ancient homeland IN THE LATTER DAYS. And of course they HAVE, and have been a nation again since 1948.
But you can see, as we continue to discuss this little 8,000 square mile nation has ALWAYS been under attack by all the nations of the world. By the Arab world in WAR and by the WESTERN WORLD in Policy and condemnation.
And this doesn’t make sense unless you observe these things through Biblical and particularly SPIRITUAL Binoculars, for JUST and God said, the WHOLE WORLD would be gathered against this little nation.
And why? Israel does not attack their neighbors, but ALL their neighbors, attack them, as the Bible described in Psalm 120.
It is important to understand that there are NO ETHNIC PALESTINIAN PEOPLE. Palestine is the LATIN name given by the ROMANS to the Land of Israel after the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
The rise of Islam 500 years later in the 600’s brought a period of Islamic expansion through wars that subjugated millions of people under the sword of Mohammad and his successors throughout the Middle East, forcing tribes and peoples to submit to Allah.
Mohammad never went to Jerusalem himself and recognized it as the ancient Jewish city where their temple had been. Later, his followers conquered Jerusalem, defeating the Byzantine Empire after 300 years of building churches and shrines to the ancient Jewish and New Testament Biblical sites.
In about 691, more than 600 years since Jesus’s resurrection, the then ruling Islamic caliphate constructed the Dome of the Rock, as a symbol of conquering the very site of the Jewish Holy Temple, symbolically triumphing over both Judaism and Christianity.
The dome of the rock itself testifies that it is built on the very ROCK that the ancient 1st and 2nd Temple had been built.
Empires, the land remained overall remote and largely a mix of Jews and Arabs. No State or Government of “PALESTINIAN PEOPLE” was ever established because it the term always referred to traditional Israel.
This is why, in 1917, as WW1 continued, The British Government wrote The Balfour Declaration expressing the intent to aid in the reestablishment of the state of Israel.
Over a THOUSAND YEARS after Islam first conquered Jerusalem, even Mark Twain remarked on the desolation in 1867, after visiting what has ALWAYS BEEN CALLED the HOLY LAND.
Here are some excerpts from his 1869 book, Innocence Abroad, remarking on the vacant, wasteland of “Palestine” at that time noting all the traditional Bible names of the places he visited...
Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי
YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה
I went out recently to Balboa Park and interviewed people in front of the San Diego Natural History Museum with a science survey. I used the Survey to open a discussion about the SCIENTIFIC FACTS that Support Creation and REFUTE Evolution. Here are the links to the first 2 interviews:
Science Survey 1: https://rumble.com/v6gegvd-science-survey-1-san-diego-natural-history-museum-creation-vs-evolution.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Science Survey 2: https://rumble.com/v6fd214-science-survey-1-san-diego-natural-history-museum-creation-vs-evolution.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Season Watch airs Saturdays and Sundays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego: https://kprz.com/radioshow/season-watch-with-wendy-scott
Wendy’s other Rumble Channels:
Wendy’s Words for Him: Posts a variety of her teachings and other inspirational videos: https://rumble.com/c/WendysWordsforHIM
Wendy’s Words for Him: Radio: Audio only Podcast of her weekly radio show SEASON WATCH: https://rumble.com/c/WendysWordsforHIMRadio
Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland: https://rumble.com/c/c-2447472
Website: My Words for HIM: https://mywordsforhim.com/
Her Christian Novel can be found on Amazon: The Lost: A Story of Christmas:
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