Feb 24 2025 26 mins
Israel and the US both know that they cannot allow Hamas to remain, and so something big is going to have to happen.
Our job as Christians is to PRAY for Israel. God Loves them, and still has a plan for them as His Chosen People. And as we watch the prophesies being fulfilled concerning Israel and the conditions of the last days, we are also seeing more Israeli’s coming to faith in their Messiah through the extreme distress ever since the October 7th attack, and the world exploded with Jew hatred.
Even their friends America, plotted against them.
But GOD is with them, as He has promised to do, after bringing them back to their land.
And we must STAND with Israel and PRAY for the Jewish people. They may be a “stiffnecked People” as God called them, but they would HAVE to be in order to remain TRUE to their faith, their Tenach, and their culture, against ALL PRESSURE to assimilate, because God PROMISED that he would being them back home.
And through our MUTUAL FAITH in the ONE TRUE GOD, Creator of Heaven and Earth, God has married Christians & Jews breaking down the wall of partition. This is the distinction of a True believer who sincerely desires to follow after God's own heart: one who stands for Israel, prays for Israel and for opportunities to share the Gospel of THEIR OWN MESSIAH, Yeshua.
Some have argued that God’s promises to Israel were stripped away because of their unbelief, but as Paul warns Gentiles in Romans 11, God still has a plan for them, and by GRACE we were ALL brought into faith.
As we have reviewed several times on this show, all God’s promises still stand, to BRING ISRAEL back into their OWN LAND and fulfill the prophecies of the LAST DAYS to Bring His people back to Him.
That is the REASON for the TRIBULATION—to judge the NATIONS, to make ISRAEL the center of His attention, and DRAW them to their MESSIAH, YESHUA.
We shouldn’t be jealous and so quick to replace ISRAEL with the CHURCH. The Bible reveals that the majority of Jews in Israel will not believe BEFORE the TRIBULATION, but will come to faith DURING the TRIBULATION. I’m sure you don’t want suffering through the TRIBULATION and the antichrist as one of your promises. Many will suffer and die at the hands of the Antichrist in what prophecies call, “The TIME of JACOB’S TROUBLE.”
Only a foolish Christian unfamiliar with the Bible would claim that the Church replaces the Promises for the ISRAEL. It has become an age-old excuse to hate Jews.
In the last episode, we described how at the end of WW 1,the British were mandated to allot the old Ottoman Empire land back to the original people, including giving a homeland to the JEWS. This international mandate was in line with the British 1917 Balfour Declaration pledging, “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,” and to “use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.” But INSTEAD of the KEEPING this pledge, the British BROKE IT.
WHY? Because by then, the Arabs were starting to discover oil in their lands, and THE ARABS DIDN’T WANT A JEWISH STATE.
The British wanted to PLEASE them to have access to the oil. And so they DID NOT partition the land INTENDED for the REESTABLISHMENT of a JEWISH STATE, although ALL THE OTHER ARAB POPULATIONS WERE PARTITIONED THEIR OWN TRADITIONAL and INDEPENDENT NATIONS under this SAME MANDATE.
It took the holocaust, which once again proved that Jews were not safe anywhere outside their native land, as 6 million were murdered just to get rid of them. 90 years later, the Jewish population still has not recovered.
And under the INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT, in 1947 by and UN RESOLUTION 181, Israel finally allotted their promised land in “Palestine.”
Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי
YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה
Science Survey 1: https://rumble.com/v6fd214-science-survey-1-san-diego-natural-history-museum-creation-vs-evolution.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Science Survey 2: https://rumble.com/v6gegvd-science-survey-1-san-diego-natural-history-museum-creation-vs-evolution.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Science Survey 3: https://rumble.com/v6ip601-science-survey-3-san-diego-natural-history-museum-creation-vs-evolution.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Season Watch airs Saturdays and Sundays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego: https://kprz.com/radioshow/season-watch-with-wendy-scott
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Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland: https://rumble.com/c/c-2447472
Website: My Words for HIM: https://mywordsforhim.com/
Her Christian Novel can be found on Amazon: The Lost: A Story of Christmas:
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