Mar 03 2025 26 mins
We continue to be so grateful for the sincere work of this administration to cut fraud, corruption, waste of America’s taxpayer dollars. We pray for wisdom concerning all these decisions to return to constitutional government, our the American people ahead of demonic agendas, stand for freedom and protections of speech and religion, and that JUSTICE is served concerning the corruption.
We pray that the TRUMP team and Netanyahu can move forward in righteousness concerning the demonic presence in Gaza, and that a just end of the Ukraine war will be agreed to.
There are still many traps and dangers awaiting us in the economy, in those of Satan’s agents who plot to bring about a global government and to continue to turn RIGHT into WRONG and WRONG into Right. There are those who will continue to build the Digital control grid and prepare for Digital ID’s, Dollars, and Tracking through biometric data and facial recognition.
For example, Oracle founder Larry Ellison recently promoted just such a dystopian system. He described his vision to unify all of America’s DATA and DNA into AI DATA CENTERS, through which, “Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting.”
And so we see that the Antichrist kingdom has been lying and deceiving us to MANIPULATE US for centuries, and we can’t seem to SEE THROUGH the LIES. As they say, it is EASIER to FOOL someone than to CONVINCE THEM that they have been FOOLED.
Friends we will not stop Satan’s plans, but we are thankful for the reprieve, and we MUST take advantage, for the time is SHORT and the Days are still evil--even in an age of winning.
In my Saturday Episode, I introduced a new series called: THE OLYMPICS of TRUTH: THE BIBLE WINS THE GOLD. I will be teaching this series BOTH on SATURDAY and SUNDAY in order to COUNTER the LIES that Christians hear and help us KNOW the RICHES of the TRUTH found in the WORD of GOD so that we are EQUIPPED to Give an ANSWER for the HOPE that is in us (1 Pet 3:15), rightly dividing the WORD of TRUTH (2 Tim 2:15).
ALL THE EVIDENCE VALIDATES that the BIBLE can be TRUSTED as the TRUE infallible WORD of GOD.
And so as we begin this series to RECOVER the TRUTH, and DECLARE the WORD OF GOD as INFALLIBLE, we will begin with our FIRST EVENT: HISTORY.
The BIBLE as a Historical Record that validates every detail.
Skeptics like to say the Bible is a book of fairy tales, but that is a provable lie. In fact, both the OLD and New Testaments bear extensive HISTORICAL record to the times they were written in, spanning millennia with detailed accounts and references.
The Bible faithfully RECORDS FIRST-HAND EVENTS WITH RICH CULTURAL and HISTORICAL DETAILS from ANCIENT Israel and surrounding civilizations, establishing its credibility as a historical RECORD.
Season Watch airs Saturdays and Sundays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego:
Wendy’s other Rumble Channels:
Wendy’s Words for Him: Posts a variety of her teachings and other inspirational videos:
Wendy’s Words for Him: Radio: Audio only Podcast of her weekly radio show SEASON WATCH:
Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:
Website: My Words for HIM:
Her Christian Novel can be found on Amazon: The Lost: A Story of Christmas:
Science Survey 1:
Science Survey 2:
Science Survey 3:
Science Survey 4:
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