Feb 17 2025 12 mins 10
Congress is exploring major changes to Medicare as part of efforts to offset potential tax cut extensions. Three key proposals are making waves in healthcare policy discussions.
Will Your Doctor Stop Taking Medicare? Are savings sustainable? What happens when hospitals hit the brakes?
We're dissecting the dollars and sense of Medicare's transformation. It's information that could impact your healthcare future. So tune in, take notes, and stay informed.
Your well-being could depend on it.
Click to watch podcast: 5 Ways Trump's Congress Is Planning to Change Your Healthcare
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Chapter Markers:
0:00 - Intro and Background
3:05 - Medicare Bad Debt Coverage
5:34 - Site-Neutral Payments Explained
8:13 - Medicare Coverage Expansions
9:15 - Potential Consequences
11:44 - Closing Thoughts
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