Dec 31 2024 48 mins
How have you invested your time this last year? Do you know what time it is? Are you making the time to get ready for a powerful, productive and peaceful 2025? Do you know the times you are living in? ‘Looking back to move forward’ is the focus on today’s Like It Matters Radio. There are 2 Greek works that we translate into time, they help us understand the meaning of time. Chronos is quantitative and Kairos is qualitative. Chronos is a set time on a watch or sun dial. Kairos is a TIME that we are living in, a dispensation. Before we are ready to make the most of next year; setting goals, outcomes and creating a vision for a year that is exciting and successful- we need to take the time to SWOT this year. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats will be our focus today as we learn from the past to prepare for a better future. Be inspired, be motivated and be ready to GROW! Today’s ‘Hour of Power’ will prepare you to get the most out of this closing year and use it to make the most out of the next year!
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