Jan 22 2025 30 mins
How do we maintain a healthy soul, and why is it important? In this episode Jake, Matthew, and Michael emphasize that our relationship with God should be placed as a top priority in our lives. Because our souls are designed to worship God, neglecting an intentional relationship with him can lead to spiritual malnourishment. By engaging in regular Bible reading, prayer, and repentance, we can nurture our souls and experience the fullness of life God intends for us. A healthy church is built on individuals who diligently care for their souls.
Practically caring for our soul includes being in cooperative relationships with spiritual leaders, active involvement in God’s Word through meditating on his truth, commitment to living missionally to find ultimate rest in Christ, repenting and confessing sin, and a commitment to participation in biblical community.
Visit the Veritas Bookstore for suggested resources to help you prioritize spiritual rhythms.
Additional resources on Soul Health:
Veritas Article - Soul Health
Previous Equipping Podcast Episodes
Soul Health - Episode 1 | What Is A Soul?
Soul Health - Episode 2 | The Healthy Soul
Soul Health - Episode 3 | The Unhealthy Soul
Soul Health - Episode 4 | Soul Care