Jan 30 2025 28 mins
Does your world seem out of control? This is an age of high-tech and hyper connectivity. And yet, it seems we sometimes go faster and faster, but get further and further behind. Information comes at us from all directions, at ever-increasing speeds. We are continually amazed by ever-more powerful communication tools. And yet for many people, it seems like relationships are fracturing more than ever. We try desperately to keep up at work and at home, but we seem to be drowning in a growing stack of tasks and chores. Everyone is going in different directions. Nerves are frayed, and there seems to never be enough time.
Does it feel like humanity needs a rest? Does it seem like we need a rest? I think most of us would say Yes. The good news is the Bible speaks of a time to come that is just that. A rest. It's prophesied in your Bible. And it's going to benefit everyone when that beautiful time comes.
But you don’t have to wait for a better world. You can experience the peace and tranquility and yes, rest, of a life guided by God right now. And you can be a part of God’s plan to bring those blessings to the world. How?
We’re going to talk about that on today’s program. But before we do, be sure to get a pen and paper, because later in the program you’ll have a chance to order your free copy of our study guide, “The World Ahead: What Will it Be Like?”
So, join us today on Tomorrow’s World, as we discuss the Millennial Rest – for the world, and for you…
Does it feel like humanity needs a rest? Does it seem like we need a rest? I think most of us would say Yes. The good news is the Bible speaks of a time to come that is just that. A rest. It's prophesied in your Bible. And it's going to benefit everyone when that beautiful time comes.
But you don’t have to wait for a better world. You can experience the peace and tranquility and yes, rest, of a life guided by God right now. And you can be a part of God’s plan to bring those blessings to the world. How?
We’re going to talk about that on today’s program. But before we do, be sure to get a pen and paper, because later in the program you’ll have a chance to order your free copy of our study guide, “The World Ahead: What Will it Be Like?”
So, join us today on Tomorrow’s World, as we discuss the Millennial Rest – for the world, and for you…