Jan 29 2025 57 mins
“A Psalm of David before he was anointed” (Septuagint). The setting is before he became king, on the run from Saul (v2,3,6,12). It starts with a confident confession of faith in the face of enemies (v1-3): “The Lord is my LIGHT and my SALVATION (rescue from danger & victory) - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the STRENGTH (stronghold) of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?” (v1). When under attack, the 1st victory is overcoming fear by knowing God's Presence with us. “Fear not for I am with you” (Isa 41:10, 43:5, Heb 13:5-6). We must believe the promise of His saving Presence & declare it as in v1: “The LORD is my LIGHT and my SALVATION.” Only here in the Old Testament is LIGHT a title (metaphor) for GOD, although He’s associated with light. The New Testament develops this idea & uses it for Jesus. God’s Light is His Presence bringing understanding, goodness, purity & overcoming darkness (evil). Thus, he declares His light will protect him from the surrounding darkness (behind Saul's attacks was a spiritual war over his & Israel’s future). He spoke from his personal covenant relationship with God: “MY light & MY salvation” - his ground for confidence (freedom of expression, opposite of constricting fear). Ps 27 gives the key to overcome paralysing fear. He overcame the spirit of fear by being a worshipper, dwelling in God's Presence (v4-6); then declaring his faith. He did not close his eyes to his dangers, but saw them thru God’s eyes: “When the wicked came against me, to eat up (devour) my flesh (like wild animals), my enemies and foes, (1) they (have) stumbled and (2) fell (lit: ‘will fall’ in defeat)” (v2). When the wicked (like Goliath) came against him they fell. It can be translated: “when the wicked come against me”, which they did as he spoke. Then he uses 2 tenses to describe a process leading to a result. (1) When a man opposes God, he’s already stumbling (on his way down), and (2) will fall in defeat. But we’re in a process leading to victory. ‘They’ is emphatic, the ones seeking his fall are the ones who fall. “Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though war (warriors) may rise against me, in this (present situation) I will be confident (lit: ‘I am trusting’)” (v3). Thus, he composed Ps 27 as Saul's army came against him. In the face of that, he declares his faith, as we should (Romans 8:31).
The ground for his confidence in v1-3 was knowing God as his light (presence), salvation (victory) & stronghold (protection), but how did He know God this way? v4-6 explain his confidence came from a lifestyle of WORSHIP, when he learnt to abide in God's Presence: “ONE THING I have desired (asked) of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may DWELL in the HOUSE (Presence) of the LORD all the days of my life to BEHOLD the BEAUTY of the Lord and to INQUIRE in His TEMPLE” (v4). The all-important thing for him is dwelling in God's Presence, represented by the Temple - his top priority, the foundation of his life. Don’t fit God into your plans, but your plans around the priority of worship. He describes worship & personal intimate communion with God: BEHOLD = to gaze on with admiration, affection & adoration, steadfast penetrating contemplation. The BEAUTY of the Lord - the delightfulness, loveliness, graciousness of His Person, His holiness = perfection of all His moral attributes. Beholding His beauty is preoccupation with His Person, seeking to know God for Himself, savouring His sweetness. Worship is our response to seeing His beauty of holiness. To INQUIRE in His TEMPLE is preoccupation with finding His will, seeking answers & guidance in His Presence. Take time to fellowship with God & receive His directions. The most important part of our life is what only God sees. Longing for Temple also applies to public worship in Church, that should be our priority. Worship was his priority both privately & corporately. Dwelling in His Presence is needed for His promises to be fulfilled. Intimacy with God in His Secret Place brings security from external dangers (Ps 91). “For in the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His Pavilion (Shelter). In the Secret Place of His Tabernacle (Tent), He shall hide me (from enemies)” (v5a). Dwelling in God's Tent as His invited guest is a place of safety, for guests have a claim of protection, so the tent is a fortress. There’s fellowship, provision & protection in His Presence. “He shall set me high upon a (‘in the’) ROCK (a title only used of God)” (v5b). As we seek Him in worship, He lifts us on high in Christ, our Rock Fortress, high above all our foes & fears. By a life of abiding in God, he knew he’d be delivered & have the victory. So, he declares: “And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me. Therefore, I will offer sacrifices of joy in His Tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord” (v6). The basis for his confidence & freedom from fear was God's Presence, cultivated by a lifestyle of worship.
The ground for his confidence in v1-3 was knowing God as his light (presence), salvation (victory) & stronghold (protection), but how did He know God this way? v4-6 explain his confidence came from a lifestyle of WORSHIP, when he learnt to abide in God's Presence: “ONE THING I have desired (asked) of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may DWELL in the HOUSE (Presence) of the LORD all the days of my life to BEHOLD the BEAUTY of the Lord and to INQUIRE in His TEMPLE” (v4). The all-important thing for him is dwelling in God's Presence, represented by the Temple - his top priority, the foundation of his life. Don’t fit God into your plans, but your plans around the priority of worship. He describes worship & personal intimate communion with God: BEHOLD = to gaze on with admiration, affection & adoration, steadfast penetrating contemplation. The BEAUTY of the Lord - the delightfulness, loveliness, graciousness of His Person, His holiness = perfection of all His moral attributes. Beholding His beauty is preoccupation with His Person, seeking to know God for Himself, savouring His sweetness. Worship is our response to seeing His beauty of holiness. To INQUIRE in His TEMPLE is preoccupation with finding His will, seeking answers & guidance in His Presence. Take time to fellowship with God & receive His directions. The most important part of our life is what only God sees. Longing for Temple also applies to public worship in Church, that should be our priority. Worship was his priority both privately & corporately. Dwelling in His Presence is needed for His promises to be fulfilled. Intimacy with God in His Secret Place brings security from external dangers (Ps 91). “For in the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His Pavilion (Shelter). In the Secret Place of His Tabernacle (Tent), He shall hide me (from enemies)” (v5a). Dwelling in God's Tent as His invited guest is a place of safety, for guests have a claim of protection, so the tent is a fortress. There’s fellowship, provision & protection in His Presence. “He shall set me high upon a (‘in the’) ROCK (a title only used of God)” (v5b). As we seek Him in worship, He lifts us on high in Christ, our Rock Fortress, high above all our foes & fears. By a life of abiding in God, he knew he’d be delivered & have the victory. So, he declares: “And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me. Therefore, I will offer sacrifices of joy in His Tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord” (v6). The basis for his confidence & freedom from fear was God's Presence, cultivated by a lifestyle of worship.