Mar 15 2025 28 mins
We are called to fight the good (victorious) Fight of the Faith (the Word of God) according to 1Timothy 6:12 and 2Tim 4:6. Derek describes the nature of this fight and the keys to successful spiritual warfare. The fight is to stand on and stay true to God’s Word, in faith and practice, against all opposition, deception and wiles of the enemy. It is the fight to stay in the faith, to continue to trust God and His Word. The strategy of the enemy is to try to get you off God's Word. Then you lose. We fight it with God’s Word, by standing, speaking and doing His Word. (1) Our posture in the fight is to stand on His Word (Eph 6:11-14), which means standing on the finished work of Christ, who has already won the victory over every enemy (Col 2:15, Matt 28:18, Eph 1:19-21, Phil 2:9-11, 1Pet 3:22), and has shared the victory with us in His Name (Eph 2:4-6). So, in Christ we are overcomers (1John 2:13-14, 4:4, 5:4-5), more than conquerors (Rom 8:37) in the Name of Jesus (on the basis of His victory, power and authority). As we stand in faith we are automatically in the victory. (2) We must reject pride, and submit to God and resist the enemy (Jam 4:6-7, 1Pet 5:5-9, Job 41:34), by exercising our will in making a quality decision to trust in and stand firm on His Word and not be moved, no matter what happens, enforcing this by confessing the good (victorious) confession of His Word, just as a wrestler does everything in his power to stay on his feet (Eph 6:12, 1Tim 6:12, Isa 54:17, Rev 12:11), (3) As we do this, we must depend on and lay hold of the power of the Holy Spirit (God's eternal life that He gives us by grace - John 3:16, 1John 5:11-12), which is continually available to us by grace (Eph 1:19, 3:20, 5:18, 6:10, 1Tim 6:12). This is necessary, if we are to stand, because we wrestle against principalities and powers (Eph 6:12). Therefore our role in the battle is to submit to God and stand on His Word and resist the devil, standing in the victory of Christ, trusting in His Name, and depending on the power of His Spirit to strengthen our heart (will).