Nov 13 2020 63 mins
Richard Cordray, former director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), discussed his new book, "Watchdog: How Protecting Consumers Can Save Our Families, Our Economy, and Our Democracy." Growing problems in the increasingly one-sided finance markets blew up the economy in 2008. In the aftermath, Congress created the CFPB. Sharing the stories of individual consumers, Watchdog shows how the Bureau quickly became a powerful force for good, suing big banks for cheating or deceiving consumers, putting limits on predatory lenders, simplifying mortgage paperwork, and stepping in to help solve problems raised by individual consumers. Cordray also discussed recent developments, including the Supreme Court's Seila Law decision, as well as what consumer protection may look like under a Biden administration. Sponsored by the Global Financial Markets Center.
View transcript:,-Our-Economy,-and-Our-Democracy.pdf
View transcript:,-Our-Economy,-and-Our-Democracy.pdf