Jun 15 2015 41 mins
EXODUS: The Story of a Redeeming GOD
June 14, 2015
1. God LISTENED: Exodus 2:24
2. God REMEMBERED: Exodus 2:24
He knew Israel would need a deliverer before they were slaves
Gen 15:13,14
Befor4e you know you have a problem, God has a SOLUTION
Remembered: Hebrew ‘zakar’ a verb meaning ‘to call to mind.’
God wants us to be able to wait without worry
Are you waiting for His promise to be fulfilled?
3. God SAW what Israel was going through: Exodus 2:25
God revealed Himself to Hagar as El Roi-The God who sees
Gen 16:13
Jesus ‘saw’ Mary weeping. John 11:33
God sees what you are going through: Trust Him
Proverbs 3:5,6
4. God UNDERSTOOD: Exodus 2:25
‘understood’-Hebrew YADA: means to make Himself known, secondary meaning: to ‘mark or identify’
God understood Israel was ready for deliverance!
2 Chronicles 20:1-9
When we remember, God ACTS on His promise
June 14, 2015
1. God LISTENED: Exodus 2:24
2. God REMEMBERED: Exodus 2:24
He knew Israel would need a deliverer before they were slaves
Gen 15:13,14
Befor4e you know you have a problem, God has a SOLUTION
Remembered: Hebrew ‘zakar’ a verb meaning ‘to call to mind.’
God wants us to be able to wait without worry
Are you waiting for His promise to be fulfilled?
3. God SAW what Israel was going through: Exodus 2:25
God revealed Himself to Hagar as El Roi-The God who sees
Gen 16:13
Jesus ‘saw’ Mary weeping. John 11:33
God sees what you are going through: Trust Him
Proverbs 3:5,6
4. God UNDERSTOOD: Exodus 2:25
‘understood’-Hebrew YADA: means to make Himself known, secondary meaning: to ‘mark or identify’
God understood Israel was ready for deliverance!
2 Chronicles 20:1-9
When we remember, God ACTS on His promise