Nov 30 2024 11 mins
Relevant Verses: John 14:1–6
Theme: Jesus, the Only Way
Leading Question: How do we know the way to God?
In postmodern times, one of the most important discussions in Christianity is whether salvation, or soteriology (soteria in Greek means "salvation"), is particular or universal. Is salvation only through Christ? If there are other ways to reach up to the Father, then why did the Son have to come and die? Interestingly, the Gospel of John is the most important source for this very question about Christian particularity or universalism. In John 14:6, we read that no one can come to the Father ...
Theme: Jesus, the Only Way
Leading Question: How do we know the way to God?
In postmodern times, one of the most important discussions in Christianity is whether salvation, or soteriology (soteria in Greek means "salvation"), is particular or universal. Is salvation only through Christ? If there are other ways to reach up to the Father, then why did the Son have to come and die? Interestingly, the Gospel of John is the most important source for this very question about Christian particularity or universalism. In John 14:6, we read that no one can come to the Father ...