In a sense, Jesus' disciples are meant to be forever learning: there is always deeper to go, and there are always new adventures on which Jesus invites us to accompany him. But at the same time, Jesus' disciples do move from being solely students to becoming teachers and leaders as well. In Matthew's Gospel, for example, there is a well-known scene after the resurrection in which Jesus directs his disciples now to go outward in all directions and "to all nations" not only to baptize people, but to "instruct" them to follow in his way of life--in other words, to become a new generation of apprentices of Jesus. And now, twenty centuries later, that's our calling still. So, what does it look like to be apprentices who become teachers and leaders for new and growing disciples, while we also still continue to grow and learn? That's where this concluding episode of our series, "Discipleship as Apprenticeship," will take us, as pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve gather around the microphone to discuss what it could look like to see ourselves as simultaneously disciples and teachers. Listen in on this week's "Crazy Faith Talk"!