In a new series this November, Crazy Faith Talk is welcoming an additional voice around the table and posing questions we have always wanted to ask God. In addition to our regulars, Erica, Sarah, and Steve, we welcome Natalie, who is a seminary intern learning ministry in the congregational setting where Steve serves, and we're glad to have her around the microphone! In this episode, we'll explore why God gave human beings free will--and what that might or might not mean in different theological traditions. Does God's omnisicences (knowing all things) including our future undercut the idea that we are free to choose, or are our actions predetermined? Why would God give us the ability to kill or harm others if God's commandments forbid those? And, once we open the can of worms about human freedom and God's will, if as Scripture seems to say God "wants all to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus," is God OK with not getting what God wants in the end, or is God determined to accomplish God's purposes? As you can imagine, this conversation takes us in some pretty interesting places, and we invite you to join us for this conversation and a new series here on Crazy Faith Talk!