Jun 08 2021 44 mins
#20 HorseWisdom Conversation with Tracy Gray of Conscious Cowgirl Coaching, GrayStar Farms and author of the book Women who Walk with Horses
In this inspiring conversation based in origins and life dreams, what becomes universal is the way we are inspired by horses to come full circle back to our most authentic self...and in doing so, our partnerships and how we show up follows suit. Join in this conversation that reveals the only process we are ever truly in - the process of unfolding, becoming and embodying!
Tracy Gray is an inspiring speaker, coach and author who shares her own experiential wisdom of her life's journey as well as her work through her newly published book - Women who Walk with Horses. You can sign up for/find her book and her life's work here at: www.tracygraystar.com
To the continued unfolding of the process we are all in, through our mutually inspired relationship with the horses....
with love,
Jess & the Guided by Equus herd
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