Feb 09 2025 17 mins
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A positive approach is essential no matter what you come up against in life, and cultivating positive thinking can be a lifesaver when dealing with dark times. Please don’t confuse positive thinking with toxic positivity, which denies our struggles. Healthy, positive thinking is a tool that helps us navigate our way through difficult times. This week, episode 248 of the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast is about how to find light when the world feels dark!
In this episode of the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast, I share insights on how to use positive psychology to cope with adversity and build resilience, including steps to take to build the tools to help you navigate difficult times.
I cover the following topics:
- The difference between toxic positivity and using positive psychology, which allows you to acknowledge and process your feelings while building healthy coping mechanisms.
- Defining optimism and hope, which are skills that can be learned and strengthened over time.
- Six things you can do to cultivate optimism and hope in your life.
When the world feels dark, remember that you’re not alone in this journey. By incorporating these positive psychology principles and practical tools into your life, you can discover solutions, find strength in the face of adversity, and ultimately shine a light into the darkness.
Learn more about Positively LivingⓇ and Lisa at https://positivelyproductive.com/podcast/
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Ep 8: Toxic Positivity with Valerie Friedlander
Ep 46: Help Yourself by Helping Others with Jake Doherty
Ep 114: Harmful Mindset Approaches with Valerie Friedlander
Ep 146: 10 Simple Self-Care Ideas [Round Up]
Ep 153: Coping with Grief by Giving Back with Lindsay Taylor
Dance Song Playlist V1, V2, V3
Music by Ian and Jeff Z