Jan 23 2025 35 mins
Alexander Zakharin is an established realtor based in NYC and has worked with me (Coach Alli) for over two years. From running the streets in his hometown in Russia as a kid to taking his talents to the marathon and distance running world, Alex has set his eyes on a sub-3-marathon goal and has been chipping away with new PRs in distances ranging from the mile to the marathon to get there. Recently, Alex just ran a 3-hour and 4-minute marathon at the St. Jude Memphis Marathon last December and is working on the shorter, speedier stuff before tackling the distance again later this year. The fun is JUST getting started! Alex started before being coached by me with a 3-hour and 45-minute marathon and has experienced so much growth and progress since then! I'm thrilled to have him on this episode to share with the show's listeners about his journey, success being coached by the Runwithalli Brand, his journey to get to certain milestones, changes he has made throughout his training so far, and so much more!
Alex is always a pleasure to chat with—we always have a blast! He is one of the most charismatic, ambitious, and driven individuals I know, consistently pursuing ambitious goals in and outside his running shoes.
I hope this episode leaves you feeling empowered and inspired by what structure, perseverance, consistency, and the guidance of a coach can do. I'm excited to see what Alex does next! I hope you enjoy the listen and topics covered in this episode as much as I did!
Connect with Alexander Zakharin:
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