Jul 26 2024 59 mins
Episode #195 The Immanent UAP Information Wars
The UAP revolution seems to be underway but will it ignite into a full on information/disinformation war? Tonight we are going to be looking at the brewing storm in the UFO community as Lois Elizondo's book release draws near promising shocking revelations. Gary Nolan sets Neil deGrasse Tyson a blaze, plus much more.
Be sure to check out the FULL unedited version of this episode on our YouTube Channel. HERE
Thank you all for the comments regarding our new series for Small Town Monster! "Paranormal Horizons" is a hit and we look forward to sharing our investigations and research with you all! Episode 1 is available to watch now for FREE!
We could not do this show without the support of those in the community that continue to amaze us daily!
Adam Good, LW Marshall
Theresa: Theresa's Haunted History of the Tri-State, Larry Hose, Ada Cox, Nancy White, Scott Holbrook, Lesa, Fiding the Trackway, Tommy Swigger, Pat, Seth "Beans" Lamielle Small Town Monsters, EyesintheWoods, James Nelson, and our amazing Super Chatters: Dewey Edwards, Spooky Appalachia, Guitarnchainscraig, Travis Aurednik, Geoffery Steele, Russ Bailey, Chris Coots, Bigfootlittlefoot, Terri Summerfield, Sarah Ramsey, Julie Bug, Donna Hough, Angie Breeden, Jen Clower, Jamie Snell, Ike Fauber, Ashley Hilt of on Wednesdays We Talk Weird, Lotus Flower, WindythepoohBear, Ashers Creation, and Spirit Brothers Paranormal UK