Feb 22 2022 51 mins
Welcome back to Chats with Dad! It’s been two years since Season 1, and so much has changed for Phil and James. Phil realised it was time to think about retirement (well, his own version of retirement). James has grown Picaroons exponentially, and even moved to Portugal to run the business and surf every day! And, of course, there was a global pandemic to deal with. In this episode, father and son catch up on successes found and lessons learned.
Phil and James were so excited to be back in the studio together that they couldn’t stop chatting, for longer than planned, so we've split this episode into two parts. Make sure you listen to part 2, which will be available next week on our podcast feed.
Click here to book a no-obligations call with Phil, connect with him on social media, and more: https://linktr.ee/PhilBergCoach
Click here to find out more about Picaroons, James’s book, and his other projects: https://linktr.ee/ramboberg
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