Oct 29 2024 38 mins
⏰ PSA: The price for Lifestyle Business School increases by up to $900USD in 24 hours, and we have just added a new super accessible payment plan. Click here.
This is a business strategy podcast Q+A, where I am answering some JUICY questions.
Let’s call it a big ‘ol business strategy sesh!
I answer:
➡️ I am a creative and I want to expand my clients/audience with a leveraged offer like a digital course or products. What is the best way to do this?
➡️ I want to create a low cost digital product, around $30. Can I be successful with this?
➡️ I have a specialised niche and I want to create something lower cost to serve them. Should I?
➡️ How much time do you need to dedicate each week to build a successful lifestyle business?
And more!
These are some of the questions that have been coming through as we prepare to close the doors on the current price, extended time bonus and all of the other special bonuses. Whether you are thinking about joining Lifestyle Business School, or you simply love a good strategy jam sesh – this is for you!
Want more? Here’s how we can help you:
→ Free Workshop — Create our knowledge-based lifestyle business in 2025
→ Subscribe to the Fully Free Newsletter — Come and join the party on Substack! Subscribe for weekly articles, essays and behind the scenes to help you build a lifestyle business.
→ Join Lifestyle Business School — Get the complete Operating System for starting or growing an expertise-based online business to the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot.