Nov 21 2024 80 mins 1
Over the past few weeks, Google searches around How To Move Abroad have skyrocketed, up more than 1000% percent overall.
And many of those searches, especially for the LGBTQ+ community, are geared toward Portugal. Between the D-8 Digital Nomad visa and the D-7 retirement / non-lucrative visa, Portugal has made it onto every future expats radar.
But what is it actually like to live there? Just because you might be able to get a visa to move there, do you want to?
That’s where Sue and Diana come in. Sue Reddel and Diana Laskaris are a married couple who moved to Portugal in 2021 from the States. They moved with their two elderly cats and made a life for themselves. The duo are former corporate executives who jumped off the ladder and into entrepreneurship roughly a decade ago, and now they work remotely from Portugal and run Food Travelist, a food and travel publication.
The pair are avid travelers, but Sue had never lived abroad before this move. So what has it been like to move to this beautiful, coastal Southern European country?
That’s what we get into in this episode.
This conversation was recorded inside our Queer Expats Worldwide community on Facebook, and shared with you here. It is a bit longer than our usual episodes, but because of the popularity of Portugal as a possible relocation destination, we wanted to share it with you in its entirety.
To access more interviews like this and a very active community of LGBTQ+ folks and families, join our Queer Expats Worldwide community.
Sue and Diana can be found at:
Website: Food Travelist
Instagram: @foodtravelist
Facebook community: Queer Women and Friends in Portugal
Links mentioned in this episode:
Transport your larger animals abroad for your move with
Sue and Diana have written two books:
101 Tips for Moving To Portugal
What Should I Do Now?
Rainbow Relocation Strategies:
Find out how to work with us at: Rainbow Relocation Strategies
Instagram: @rainbowrelo
Book: How To Move Abroad
Queer Expats Worldwide Facebook Community
Your host, Jessica Drucker, can be found online at
The Adventure Calls podcast is a bi-weekly podcast that seeks to empower queer folks to move, live and thrive abroad with interviews with relocation experts, queer expats who have successfully relocated and other organizations that give a lens on the LGBTQ+ experience in the world.