Feb 07 2025 65 mins
Communities are only as strong as their connections, our sense of belonging and place is what ties us geographically and to membership in wider organizations. In our cities and towns populations exist that draw a disproportionate amount of resources in an emergency, but are omitted from planning considerations. Often, the emergency management team simply is unaware of the agencies that represent the interests of the disabled, a barrier to establishing foundational relationships.
This interview is a distinct honour, to speak with someone who is deviating significant efforts to raising the awareness of the needs of the disabled, but also reminding society of the assets and skills embedded in a population that despite challenges, is an essential element for community success.
The disabled population is but one set of voices that needs to be at the emergency management table, to join in the community conversation on what events look like, how they should be managed and how everyone contributes to better post event outcomes.