Mar 21 2021 40 mins
Being able to accept your partner differences and personalities
combatting losing your identity in your partner.
1. How have you incorporated acceptance into your new normal?
2. How can couples work to share the weight of this season?
3. What are some simple ways couples can serve or love their spouse?
4. How do you handle the pressure to do more or start something new?
1. Either external or internal
5. How have you dealt with the changes in your family, marriage, and work?
6. What’s stayed the same during this pandemic?
7. What’s changed due to this pandemic?
8. What are you planning or looking forward to doing once the stay-at-home order is lifted?
9. What has surprised you during this season?
1. What are you currently doing that you love?
2. What has been one of your biggest relationship struggles?
3. What has been one of your biggest relationship Victories?
4. What would be the one thing you hope every couple would know?
- Brene Brown interview with John and Julie Gottman
- Cindy Norton's podcast: Mountain Practice Journeys
- Through this private practice podcast, you’ll discover helpful tips for starting and growing your private practice. I’ll cover topics related to branding, niching, marketing, websites, copywriting, sliding scale, cancellation policies, rate setting, client scheduling, business structures, taxes, email marketing, networking, finances, productivity tips, and much more.
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