Feb 05 2024 112 mins
Welcome back to Realspace Raiders, the Drukhari podcast! We are an alliance of Archons all hailing from the UK and cover everything from matched play and the competitive meta, painting and hobby discussions, background and lore and much, much more!
Skysplinter Assault takes over your favourite Drukhari podcast as the Archons delve into the big changes from the recent Balance Dataslate.
- New Mandrakes - our reaction to the stunning new plastic kit depicting everyone's favourite shadowy denizens of Aelindrach with painting and modelling ideas.
- Balance Dataslate - points drops and changes to the Drukhari army rules: extra AP and the Archon finally has their favourite spiky bodyguards back!
- Skysplinter Assault! The brand new detachment is amazing and go on a deep dive through its detachment rules, enhancements and stratagems.
- Tips and tricks, how to get the most out of the new detachment with unit and stratagem combos.
- iS tHiS aN aRcHoN hobby focus - how to convert more Archons and make them stand out.
- Pain Token Economy - a focus on units which generate pain tokens and those that help mitigate their use.
- Datasheet winners and losers. Are Incubi now king but do they overshadow the Court? Are Grotesques and Hellions worth it now?
- Realspace Raiders vs Skysplinter Assault - which detachment is better?
- Meta Maidlow takes us through the changes to the other factions and how it will affect your Drukhari!
- Raiding in the future - the Archon's new army lists and subsequent modelling projects.
Please let us know any feedback!
Happy Raiding!
Realspace Raiders
Paulie - skyserpent40k
Dom - darktechnodom
George - archon_george
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/VvJQgZVc
MERCH STORE: https://redbubble.com/shop/ap/76936647
Jon 'Scrivo' Scrivens
jonscrivens on Instagram & Twitter
Lightcycle by Gabe Miller
Acid Network by Eri