Oct 13 2023 86 mins
In this episode we are bringing you the audio recording of a webinar we held recently on “Autumn Options for Dairy”.
As you will be well aware the summer of 2023 has been particularly challenging for Northern Ireland's dairy, beef and sheep farmers. After a dry May and June, there has been almost incessant rain which has affected grass quality and hampered silage making. Ground conditions in many areas have been challenging with stock having to be housed at times. These conditions have not been conducive to livestock health and performance and it is likely that many of the silages being fed to livestock this winter will be sub-optimal. At the same time farmers are facing a cost / price squeeze with the cost of a kilogram or purchased feed now well below the price received for a litre of milk. Many dairy farms are now experiencing cashflow issues.
With these issues in mind AgriSearch, in partnership with CAFRE and AFBI, organised a webinar for Northern Ireland dairy farmers which looked at options that farmers can take this autumn to help mitigate the challenges they are facing.