Sep 19 2024 18 mins
In this week's episode of the Climb Your Mountain podcast, we dive into a common struggle for perfectionists and athletes alike: missed workouts.
Whether you’re training for an endurance event like a marathon or just exercising to look and feel better, skipping a workout can send you into a spiral of panic and guilt.
I know this firsthand, having transitioned from a personal trainer for outdoor endurance athletes (hiking, mountaineering, trail running) to a health and wellness coach for pressured perfectionists.
What We Cover:
- What we make missed workouts mean versus reality
- The truth about deconditioning — and why most of us worry way too much about losing fitness.
- How panic over missed workouts can actually set your fitness back further.
- Why missed workouts may actually be a blessing in disguise for overachieving athletes.
- My personal story of running a half marathon PR after missing all my peak training.
- Practical tips to help you ease back into fitness the smart way after a week off.
Are You a Pressured Perfectionist Ready to Train Smarter, Not Harder?
If you're done with overtraining and exhausting yourself, I can help you bring balance to your active lifestyle.
- Click here to schedule a discovery call, and let’s start working together on a more empowered and compassionate version of yourself!
- Let’s stay connected! Follow me on Instagram for more tips on fitness, endurance training, and how to thrive as a perfectionist.