Aug 28 2023 52 mins 1
Canada’s labour force isn’t growing fast enough to keep up with the aging population. On one hand we have a labour supply challenge. But, on the other hand the workers we do have don’t always have the skill sets that we need today, but particularly into the future.
My guests this episode are both actively working to reshape our skills development and labour market preparedness for students today so that they can fill the labour market demands of tomorrow. We explore how educational institutions are evolving to better equip students for workplaces and how better relationships between employers, educators and the K-12 system are starting to reshape how skills are taught and how people can gain a better understanding of the career options that are available to them.
About our guests:
Dr. Jane Goodyer is Dean of the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University in Toronto. As chief academic and administrative officer, Jane leads an inclusive community of engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs toward achieving Lassonde’s strategic academic goals.
Before joining Lassonde, she worked at Massey University, New Zealand, in various leadership roles, including Head of the School of Engineering and Advanced Technology. Having led New Zealand’s first Degree Apprenticeship pilot program, she’s now introducing this extraordinary first in Canada.
Jane is driven to make education more accessible, advancing women and other underrepresented groups in engineering while breaking down systemic barriers.
Ian Howcroft is the CEO of Skills Ontario, an organization dedicated to promoting careers in the skilled trades and technologies. Previously, Howcroft was the Ontario Vice President of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, a company he worked with for nearly three decades.
He earned an L.L.B from Western University, as well as an Honours B.A. in History and Political Science from McMaster University.
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