Love ATLA Shrugged? Let us know for a shoutout on our next episode!
Gaang gets lost in the swamp. After seeing visions of loved ones lost (and persons unknown), tackling a swamp monster, roasting possum chicken with some newfound kinfolk, and embracing the interconnectivity of all living things, Team Avatar returns to familiar lands. Meanwhile, Zuko isn't yet jiving with his new refugee lifestyle, so he dons a blue mask and nabs a fancy-shmancy tea set for the Dragon of the West. Aang reckons with rumors his past life committed murder and gets thrown in jail. Sokka sets to sleuthing without his trusty boomerang. Can Aang step into some very large boots and clear the good Avatar name, or will he be boiled in oil to a crispy golden brown? We'll see in this special two-in-one episode so we can all get on to THE BLIND BANDIT already :)