Feb 11 2025 56 mins 2
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Fascia connects every structure in our bodies. While commonly just thought of as a layer of connective tissue, fascia has a sentience unto itself.
It's more than just collagen, elastin and the gel-like ground substance it's made of... it holds memory too (whether physical, emotional, or otherwise).
Today's guest, nutritionist-herbalist-author Lisa Masé has been diving deeply into world of fascia over the past year.
In our conversation, Lisa shares about what fascia is and how it can shift between different states (more fluid, like seaweed in the ocean) or more tense (dry, cracky, almost like dried seaweed).
And she also shares all about how we can sense the fascia in our own bodies, as well as ways we can nourish the fluid state of fascia through our food and herbs.
It's a rich exploration into this fascinating connective tissue that is basically a web throughout our bodies.
Our bodies are so much more than what we can see and even study from a physical, material level -- they carry such wisdom we can learn from.
Fascia is one way we can tune in.
Listen to learn:
- what fascia is and where it lies in your body
- how to begin to sense fascia in your own body
- what you can eat to nourish the fluidity of your facia
- herbal allies for encouraging softness in your fascia
- an guided practice you can do to experience your fascia
- Sign up for my upcoming Herbal Uterine Tonics class at Earth Body School (Mar 12th, recording available)
- Today's shownotes: Grab links to all of Lisa's offerings here!
- Episode 21: How disordered eating affects menstrual cycles with Lisa Masé
- Episode 58: Gut health and your hormones
- Episode 77: Myofascial release for breast, chest & pelvic bowl
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DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for educational purposes only, I am not providing any medical advice, I am not a medical practitioner, I’m an herbalist and in the US, there is no path to licensure for herbalists, so my role is as an herbal educator. Please do your own research and consult your healthcare provider for any personal concerns.
Sign up for the Herbal Uterine Tonics class hosted by Earth Body School. Learn more and register here.