Nov 13 2023 59 mins
Madeleine talks with Chris about her journey from a horrific act of sexual violence perpetrated against her when she was only 13 , and how she healed over the years, and now speaks about her story and bravely shares her experiences, cultivating courage and shining a light on shame so it can lose its power. She speaks honestly and openly about the impact on her life of these experiences and how she finally spoke out publicly in 2014. She trained as a therapist and now speaks at various events inspiring others to speak out and break the cycle of shame that keeps people silent.
She has written a book, unbroken, and has appeared on 2 Ted Talks, and has had a podcast called Unbroken, healing through storytelling.
If people are impacted by what we discuss, see some support helpline numbers available
National 24 hour Rape Crisis Helpline 1800778888
Samaritans 116123
Connect Counselling 1800477477
Text about it 50808
For a list of accredited therapists and psychologists in Ireland: