Feb 07 2025 176 mins
Welcome to episode 47 of 'The Dawah Clinic' where we will be addressing your dawah dilemma's. If you have difficulty in answering certain questions or need help in responding to polemics towards Islam and Muslims, fear no more the dawah clinic is here to help empower you. So keep a note of your dawah dilemma's and call into the show or post your questions in the live chat. Please note : waiting lists are very high and clinic places are limited to a maximum of 10 placements at any given time so keep your questions concise, to the point and please be patient. Link to Join The Dawah Clinic:
Please help Br Ijaz with his monthly medical fees, if you are able to. Jzk khair
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Title : It's close
Website : https://efdawah.com/
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RSS Feed
00:00 - Intro
01:10 - EF Dawah Panel join: Chinwag
02:15 - Format of the Stream
03:16 - Jimmy joins: Giving dawah as a new muslim
05:07 - Jimmy shares his Journey to Islam
12:42 - Highlighting the G3n0c¡de of the Uyghurs
15:26 - Keeping the Oppressed in our prayers
16:28 - Avoiding & boycotting Anti-Islam Media
23:38 - Disassociating with Profane Muslims
26:47 - Advice about following muslim personalities
28:13 - Message to Muslims about Nobility
30:38 - Chitchat
32:02 - Masood joins
32:32 - Keeping composure & being impartial in dawah
36:56 - Having Self-control & being calm in dawah
41:12 - Need of Connecting with People in Dawah
42:02 - The correct approach & strategy for dawah
48:18 - Doing Dawah as per One's Capability
50:20 - Okan joins: Islamic rulings on Boycotting
52:43 - Boycotting companies supporting 🇮🇱.
56:46 - Discourse on giving charity to genuine people
1:05:14 - Advice to Muslims about helping the needy
1:10:00 - Alhumdulliah joins: Appreciates the panel
1:11:15 - Combining Prayers (Salah) while Traveling
1:12:47 - Maintaining vs breaking wudhu
1:15:01 - Explanation of Wudhu in Islam
1:22:03 - Benefits of street dawah over online dawah
1:27:41 - Advantages of teaching Islam to others
1:31:58 - Bory joins: Appreciates the Panel
1:33:21 - Inviting Non-Muslim Family to Islam
1:38:59 - Discussion on dawah to non-muslim family
1:47:15 - Discussion on tips for dawah to christians
2:00:12 - Crown joins: Doubt about the Qibla
2:01:25 - Clarifying the direction of the Qibla
2:06:27 - Jiselle joins: Shares her Background
2:07:54 - Revert Story of Jiselle & her husband
2:11:49 - Struggles with Praying Salah
2:14:14 - Advice regarding praying salah
2:17:23 - Jiselle shares her background
2:19:26 - Counselling & advising Jiselle
2:23:55 - Advice to Jiselle & her husband
2:28:05 - Rajeeyah joins
2:28:31 - Clarification about wudhu with leather socks
2:30:37 - Following a Madhab in Islam explained
2:36:22 - Aleef joins: Struggles with practising Islam
2:38:52 - Aleef shares his background
2:41:12 - Advising & counselling Aleef
2:47:11 - Message to Muslims about seeking help
2:51:07 - Closing Remark