May 24 2021 69 mins
This week’s show was so much fun to record! And it has been a long time coming! After many scheduling attempts, we finally got Jessica Gonzalez, aka The Mommy Jane to join us in the lounge. We talk a little bit about what NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, is and how it’s useful. There were more than a few hilarious moments where we talked about imposter syndrome and what it’s like to be an influencer. We chat about the importance of language and how we talk to ourselves. Jessica shares a terrifying experience that changed her life that all started with olive oil. We got the scoop on a new app where you can track your cannabis usage and the effects it has on you. Our conversation flows and we cover so many different topics so you better strap in for this one!
Jessica Gonzalez is a California cannabis patient, NLP and mindset coach, wife, and mother of two young girls, residing in Northern California. After trading her prescription drug and wine abuse for plant medicine back in 2015, she discovered a wealth of health and knowledge from her own research and personal experiences regarding cannabis and plant medicine, which allowed her to overcome a myriad of physical and mental health issues.
Knowing how impactful plant medicine was, but realizing the lack of education and awareness on social media, Jessica wanted to help others discover their path to health, wellness and success. As a mom on a mission, @themommyjane was born: a social media community dubbed “The Neighborhood'' where people could be educated, entertained and inspired. Jessica works hard every day sharing her knowledge and power with others and believes wholeheartedly that mindset, mindfulness and Mary Jane are the key to a fulfilling and abundant life.
Key topics:
● Becoming “the mommyjane”
● Parenthood and cannabis
● The terrible stereotypes of stoners
● Mindfulness with Mary Jane
● Cannabis as the anecdote to the pandemic
● Some of Jessica’s favorite products
● Great cannabis resources
● Instagram: @themommyjane
● Sarah Landry:
● SheWeed:
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