Mar 04 2025 24 mins
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You may know that I'm invested in permaculture and sustainable living. There are several key principles to permaculture, such as observing and interacting with food and environment, catching and storing energy, obtaining yields, self-regulation, and using renewable resources. Each of these principles can be applied to your health as well as your lifestyle. In this episode I'll cover how to:
- Observe and Interact with our foods, our environment, and our mind
- Catch and Store Energy
- Obtain a Yield
- Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback
- Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services
- Produce No Waste
- Design from Patterns to Details
- Integrate Rather Than Segregate
- Use Small and Slow Solutions
- Use and Value Diversity
- Use Edges and Value the Marginal
- Creatively Use and Respond to Change
As you begin to understand these principles, you can begin to use them in all areas of your life - not just your garden.
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