Apr 15 2021 51 mins
Melissa Shea is the CEO of a Real Estate Integrated Company - Everyday RE Group, the President of the LIREIA (Long Island Real Estate Investors Association), has a NY brokers license, a licensed commercial lender for Everyday Funding, and EXIT Realty regional owner for Connecticut and Rhode Island. She has been an experienced Real Estate investor for the past 15 years and has raised over $35 million for real estate projects. She is committed to helping the homeless and is a mother of 8 children. On this week's show, Melissa shares how divorce helped her get further into real estate, her unusual launch into owning LIREIA and mentoring, her mix of flips and holds, and how opportunity is emerging in states like New York and New Jersey due to the pandemic response.
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00:00 The Data Driven Real Estate Podcast Welcomes Melissa Shea CEO of Real Estate Integrated Company and President of Long Island Real Estate Investor Associations (LIREIA)
00:45 From divorce to running a REIA, Melissa's unusual path into real estate investing
07:00 Melissa's unexpected entry into mentoring and the important of action
10:37 The mix of flipping and buy and hold properties
12:26 Where is flipping best?
14:33 The number one skill she tries to teach her agents that has been a key source of her success
17:41 How New York's tenant rules has impacted local land lords and potential opportunity in struggling landlords
34:30 What data does Melissa use in identifying buy-and-hold real estate markets?
42:02 What real estate strategies is she currently focusing on?
43:23 Reverse mortgage strategies for real estate investors.