Whether it's a country music artist that is chasing a dream of being a country music star, a podcaster like 2 Shots hoping for that one episode that will put them on the map or a budding wrestling star like Shane Mercer who hopes to be the next John Cena, Hulk Hogan or Cody Rhodes. The key is always staying true to who you are and not trying to be someone else! That is Shane Mercer! He has been in the wrestling business since the mid 2000's, working, training and building his resume'! Shane Mercer is the type of guy you root for! You want to see all of the hard work pay off! Regardless though, Shane Mercer is the kinda guy you hope that hits it big! Sit back and take a listen to this action packed episode of 2 Shots on a Barrel as the Bo Brothers learn more about Marion County wrestling superstar Shane Mercer!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/288170582570690 Bourbon Podcast Bo Brothers