Alex Pappas on Overhauling ABM for Riskalyze and Venafi

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Jun 13 2024 70 mins  

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As most ABM programs deliver minimal improvement to revenue KPIs, Eric Gruber (CEO of Personal ABM) and his guest Alex Pappas (Senior ABM Manager for Venafi) discuss how teams need to stop retrofitting ABM on top of current processes.

During this podcast episode, you will hear:

1. The ABM challenges Alex faced at both Riskalyze and Venafi and how he gave the ABM programs an overhaul.

2. How Riskalyze didn't have the proper foundation for ABM -- and the readiness that was needed before Alex can think about ABM strategy.

3. How Venafi was treating ABM like account-based advertising and account-based targeting and how Alex evolved it.

4. Why Chris Walker is wrong when he mentioned on LinkedIn that ABM is a segmentation, tiering, and prioritization strategy and not a GTM motion (which we whole-heartedly disagree with.) You'll hear how ABM is a GTM motion.

5. How Alex is using 1: many, 1: few and 1:1 ABM and how he's using intent data.