Jan 06 2024 31 mins
Did you know that 9 out of 10 people will fail their new year resolutions?
Did you know that the average resolutions last about 3.74 months?
Yes, yes they will! And because failure of resolution setting is so common, there are unofficial dates commemorating resolution failure. I love this!!
We already know we are going to fail, so why not create a day to celebrate our failures.
The first one is called “Ditch New Year Resolutions Day” and it’s on January 17th.
The second one is unofficially called “Quitters Day” and it’s on the 2nd Friday in January. This year it happens to be January 12th and I will be in Kansas City to celebrate with the rest of you quitters. 😉🎉
And then there’s always June 1st, unofficially known as ”New Year Resolution Recommitment Day” where you can recommit to a resolution that didn’t serve you the first time around. Hahaha!
Happy New Year My Friends!
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