Feb 25 2024 72 mins
My daughter and I talk about once a week. And everytime we talk, we say, that would've made a great podcast. So a few weeks ago on a Saturday morning we talked for almost 3 hours and recorded the whole conversation. I'm sharing the first hour of our conversation, and will follow it up with the 2nd part later this month.
Didn't do much editing so you are getting a very raw and real look at how our mother/daughter conversations typically go.
We talk about consistency, trauma, values, being a chameleon, female conditioning, being on the spectrum, ADHD, Trash TV, being a homebody, and wanting to choke someone out for breathing!
Website: https://cassieburton.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvNgStf4gnZo-MKQ0jU6pDw
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