Dec 31 2024 25 mins 2
Abigail Chabitnoy curates poems that dwell in fields of searching, connecting, and being. She introduces Michael Wasson communing with those who are no longer breathing (“Aposiopesis [or, The Field between the Living & the Dead]”), Jean Valentine considering the moment and its boundaries (“To my soul”), and Saretta Morgan writing into love over many years (“Dearth-light”). To close, Chabitnoy reads her poem “Signs You Are Standing at the End,” which enters its own field of imagining across time.
Find the full recordings of Wasson, Valentine, and Morgan reading for the Poetry Center on Voca:
Michael Wasson (April 27, 2023)
Jean Valentine (September 25, 2008)
Saretta Morgan (March 28, 2024)
Full transcripts of every episode are available on Buzzsprout. Look for the transcript tab under each episode.
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